Sunday, March 18

Happy Wondy Mum's Day

Happy, Happy Mother's Day to my most favourite of ladies: Wondy Mum!

I love and admire you more than you will ever know, and although I'm not with you today, I am in spirit and am thinking of you.

Now put your feet up and relax and I will cook you dinner tomorrow.

Love you, Mum x


Anonymous said...

Hug Wondy Mum for me please.

antonio said...

Include me on that comment and that hug!!


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

YAY for Wondy Mum!!! Happiest of birthdays to her! :)

(And what time should I be there for dinner? And what are we having? (so I can bring the appropriate wine, of course!) ;)

Monogram Queen said...

Happy Day to Wondy Mum!

What are you cooking? Huh?