Thursday, March 22

Me Love You Long Time

The only news I have for you today, my dear friends, is that from the beginning of May, this blog will be brought to you from the sunny beaches of South East Asia.

Thailand beckons, baby and I'ma going back!

Our gorgeous friend Rong rang yesterday afternoon and was given the news, to which he grew rather quiet - I think it was over-emotion what caused it, as he kept whispering 'I miss you, I miss you' and 'I have so many stories to tell you'.

So the tickets are booked and we're almost ready to go - and I for one can't wait.

It's so much easier to be creative in a tropical setting and now we have made real friends out there it feels less like a holiday and more like going home.

I am going to take full advantage of the situation and write until my hands fall off.


katie said...

Oh my god, I'm so jealous. Can I stow away in your luggage? I promise I won't take up much room.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Ooo...tropical? Now you're talking MY language! ;)

Congrats of the travel plans. And that new profile picture is wickedly cool! ;)

Monogram Queen said...

Girl you just leap right out there and take a big bite of adventure for me too. THIS is what life is about, going where the wind blows you, taking advantage of opportunities instead of letting them pass you by (the story of MY life). "Life is a banguet and most poor bastards are starving to death"!

wondy woman said...

Thanks all, I promise to bring my adventures to the blog and stay in touch!

Anonymous said...

I am SO excited for you! I know you guys are going to have a wonderful time. I just can't wait to see pictures and read the posts!!!

wondy woman said...

I won't let you down, H!

Rebecca said...

:D Hooray!!!!! I'm very excited. Because when you wrote about Thailand before it was so real I felt like I was there. So, you going back to Thailand means I get to take another trip as well. ;)

wondy woman said...

Exactly, BK, you'll be right beside me the whole way!

Rainypete said...

Lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, you.

I'm jealous, can you tell?

Chica said...

That's brilliant news love, I'm so excited for you!

The sunny beaches of South East Asia eh, it's all right for some! How long are ya going for this time babe?

Nobody deserves it more than you x

shocking_fish said...

I amy even follow you - the ladyboys are in town; so will switch places and make my way to Thialand

SF xxx

wondy woman said...

Please do, that would be awesome!