Tuesday, March 27

Sun Is Shining, Weather Is Sweet

As of half an hour ago the majority of the packing has been done. Well, I say 'done' - the first stage is done. I never realised I had so much stuff.

Well, actually, as I have given most of it away I don't actually have that much at all, just books and lots and lots of DVDs which will be put into storage this weekend.

Not much to show for nearly 30 years, huh? Though I quite fancy the idea of living the kind of life than can be packed up at the drop of a hat and whisked of to somewhere exotic.


Now I'm sitting with a cup of tea gazing out into the back garden, just enjoying the beautiful day we are having.

The first really really nice day we have had this year so far.

*double sigh*


Monogram Queen said...

Well enjoy your day sweetie! I am living vicarously through you so remember that and make it count :)

shocking_fish said...

Where are my reviews? I really need them! Honnest

SF xxx

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the relaxation and nice weather!

wondy woman said...

Oh no relaxation for me, I've got to finish SF's reviews this afternoon or else he'll send the boys after me - big butch ones in spandex pants.
