Saturday, April 30

Do you like my tight sweater?

I have spent the entire afternoon having fun with my page. I think I have just about got it to suit my needs. Do you like it? It's Gothic, AND it has lots of pink in it. It's so me!

I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to the weekend. THREE whole gloriously unstructured days to be spent wearing trackies, not brushing my hair, BBQing food and reading my book (Atonement by Ian McEwan). I also want to watch Girl with a Pearl Earring, you know when you start a little pile of DVDs you haven't got round to watching yet? Well that has been on top of the pile for some time now. And godammit, HMV have a sale on too!

We have a little french boy staying over the weekend with us. He's basically been abandoned by his language school and the poor boy has to put up with us for company. Still, it could be worse, at least Rocker and I are fairly young and cool (and believe me here in God's Waiting Room, that is rare). Rocker has already got the poor bugger hooked up intravenously to the xbox.

I am trying to think if I have any amusing anecdotes to share with the group. June's keep me entertained on a daily basis.

Well, I have never saved a life before but on the subject of being naughty, I have experienced going hell for leather down a hill, in my case, in rollerskates not a bicycle. Let us just say I started the descent standing perfectly upright... and finished at the bottom, on my bottom, with two perfect holes in my knickers, showcasing each of my red raw buttocks off to all present.

Yes, I had thought it wise, at the age of about 8, to do this in a skirt, no padding and just my childish absence of fear to keep me company on the way down.

Ah, happy days.

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