Thursday, May 5

I've been tagged by June - so here are my answers. I chose these five:

If I could be a librarian... I would get into trouble for ignoring people and reading all day. I would start on Classics, move to Horror via the Jackie Collins section and on to Children's books. When I had finished all the books in the building, I would work on exaggerating my 'Shhhhhh's and pointing vigarously at the Silence signs. I would love my job!

If I could be a professor... I would wear a pair of tortoiseshell glasses and be 'down' with the kids. I would be a cool professor teaching at the School of Hard Knocks. I would be an inspiration like that teacher in Dead Poet's Society and all my students would remember me for years to come.

If I could be an actor... I would star in Spaced with Simon Pegg. I would chose all my roles carefully. I would refuse to star in any films with Celine Dion singing the theme tune. I would insist on being an actor in independent movies only. I would be the female Charlie Chaplin. With nicer shoes.

If I could be a porn star... I would be much richer and my name would be Cuddles Steel.

If I could be a Mime... I would probably be arrested for making rude mimes...

1 comment:

wondy woman said...

so come on then, tell me what your porn name would be!

Christa x x