Sunday, September 25

Reviews from Across the Pond for 'Corpse Bride'

Tim Burton's animated Corpse Bride moves from limited to wide release this weekend and is continuing to draw rave reviews. Wesley Morris in the Boston Globe says that Burton "has rarely been in brisker, friskier form. This picture is 77 minutes, and while not all of them whiz by, they don't feel laden, either. ... The picture's industrious expressionism alone makes you forget the time."

Bruce Westbrook in the Houston Chronicle calls it "the best-looking, stop-motion animation film ever."

Roger Ebert in the Chicago Sun-Times observed that Corpse Bride "is not the macabre horror story the title suggests, but a sweet and visually lovely tale of love lost."

And Eleanor Ringel Gillespie in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution writes: "The movie is a bit betwixt and between -- whimsical but eerie, funny but melancholy. That said, Corpse Bride truly is like nothing else at the movies these days."


Fizzy said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you have a good Sunday. The film sounds good.

Rainypete said...

That's Tim's magic at work. Beautiful yet disturbing is a combination that isn't seen enough anymore. The cinemas just spew out homogenous, safe and marketable fluff. Hopefully more like Tim will emerge in the future and give us some hope.