Sunday, September 25

William H. Macy is God!

Maria Bell (end)

Yesterday I bought myself some new dvds - I got Ocean's Twelve and The Cooler.

The Cooler is excellent - really enjoyable. It had me feeling sad, excited and screaming at the screen by the end of it, it's just brilliant. It stars the 'weird looking' William H. Macy (love him) as a 'cooler', a man who brings natural bad luck to the punters at The Golden Shangri La Casino, just by standing beside them.

All is good with this until he meets and falls in love with Natalie (Maria Bello) and his luck starts to change for the better. Which of course pisses off his boss, Shelly (Alec Baldwin) who employs him because he is the best Cooler in the business, 'Kryptonite on a stick'...

Things take a turn for the worse when the Big Wigs come in and try to turn the Shangri La into a modern style Casino like all the others on the strip. Berger (Ron Livingston) from "Sex and the City" also stars as the shit-kicking Larry Sokolov, the pushiest of the bunch.

See it, it is very very excellent.

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