Wednesday, December 28

MC does Paris Match

Go on someone, push her!

Colouring-by-numbers, Mariah?

So natural...

Pictures from Paris-Match - honestly, it's like a car wreck, isn't it?


Rainypete said...

You've really got to wonder if that yellow job was a cruel joke. It makes her ass look horrifyingly large!!

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

You mean to tell me you don't walk around in your kitchen, talking on the phone in an evening gown while washing pots and pans???

So it's just me and Mariah then, huh?

Yeah, RIIIIIIGHT....;)

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

You mean to tell me that you don't stand around in your kitchen chatting on the phone in an evening gown while washing pots and pans like Mariah and I do?

Yeah, suuuuuure you don't! ;)