Tuesday, February 28

The Devil Wears Primark

I was accidentally really rude to a girl at Big Work yesterday and now I feel really really bad about it.  I’ve never been very good at being mean (believe it or not) and when you actually find yourself snapping, quite accidentally, well, it’s not very attractive is it?  

The poor girl won’t speak to me anymore, quite rightly and I feel as though all our bridges have been burnt now.

Ah well, fuck it, what do I care – I’m outta here in just 8 working days!

I’ve just started reading The Devil Wears Prada and it’s totally addictive.  I just want to crawl into bed and read it to the end, with some posh chocolates and some tea.  

The book is about Andrea, assistant to the infamous Miranda Priestly, Editor-in-chief at Runway magazine.  They’ve just finished shooting the film, The Devil Wears Prada, starring Meryl Streep and I can’t wait!

Having said that though, I don’t think the book is particularly well written.  I could even say I think I could write better than that.  Really.

So I will one day.  Hey Chica – one day our novels may sit side-by-side in the window of Waterstone’s together!


1 comment:

Chica said...

Ah Wondy, that is my ultimate dream! Why is it that trashy books can be so enjoyable though? I felt like that about The Da Vinci Code; I think Dan Brown is a bad writer but the story was so good it was a real page turner. And I can't wait for the film! x