I feel the need, the need for weed
I feel the need for a rant this morning. Not that I have anything in particular to rant about. I think I will just chose some topics at random and go from there, I feel better once I’ve had a good moan and Medieval Girl, my Official sounding board has had the cheek to ring in sick so I’m on my own today… hmpf. Seven months up the duff my ass – she should be here!
Right my random topics today are:
Brokeback Mountain. I still haven’t seen it, Chica so I am one half of the last two people on earth who hasn’t seen it yet. The other half is Rocker who doesn’t want to sit there watching two benders bumming each other (he was joking). (I think).
I did point out that this is a tasteful Ang Lee movie so it is unlikely to feature actual bumming action, but I’m not sure he’s convinced. I then said the two words of death: slow paced and that sealed the fate of ever getting my man to the flicks to watch it. Oh well, there’s always DVD and the pause button… he he.
Squeeze Cheese. It’s just not right is it?
Work getting in the way of a good time. I want to put my feet up on the desk, grab a cup of tea in my hand and email Shocking Fish all day. I don’t want to raise a bazillion credit notes, chase queries and ring customers. Failing that I want to run naked through a field of poppies and sleep under a silver moon. Or something such like.
Keira Knightley. She says Johnny Depp and Orlando Goon tease her on set of Pirates of the Caribbean 12 now when she finishes a take – “ooh was that an Oscar-nominated scene, Keira?”
“Erm, no – it was wooden, excruciating and below par as usual, Johnny”
She looks fabulous though!
The rain and wind. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. The rain and wind in England makes Wondy’s hair frizzy and that makes her mad. And you wouldn’t like her when she’s mad…
That is all for now!
1 comment:
Add two more to those who haven't seen "Brokeback"...I want to see it (but will probably never get the chance) and I'd have to beat The PK over the head with a rubber mallet and drag him into the theater to get him to sit thru it.
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