Monday, February 20

Stranded at the Drive-in - branded a fool

I’m not much of a TV head, it has to be said. I like what I like, namely Desperate Housewives, a bit of Six Feet Under and The Sopranos religiously whenever it’s running but I usually prefer a good box-set so I can view in my own time.

I have become ridiculously, utterly obsessed with Shipwrecked though. It rocks!

It’s been running here for a few years I think and I’ve never really paid much attention but this year it’s pant-wettingly good!

Basically, the gist of it is this: ten castaways are split across two islands. After five months, the biggest team wins £70,000.

Every week a new arrival comes and they spend 3 days with the Sharks, and then 3 days with the Tigers. On the seventh day the teams take it in turns to host a beach party and the new arrival has to decide whom they want to stay with permanently.

I only came in on Episode 7 so have missed quite a lot but I can’t look away when it’s on! Episode 7 saw James George vote himself ‘mole’ for the Sharks and he went ‘under-cover’ in the Tiger camp with the sole intention of breaking up the team and making the new comers want to choose the Sharks permanently.

Sadly, this didn’t work and he was banished to sleep alone on the beach and no one would speak to him because he was so obnoxious.

Then the Sharks wouldn’t take him back when he nominated himself to go back to them! They said he’s taken things too far by stealing others belongings and they couldn’t trust him. So he got stuck with the Tigers! Hehe

Well, it’s my new best show!


sands of time said...

Ive seen some older episodes of that overhere

Chica said...

Oh my God! I have been totally addicted to Shipwrecked too! I've missed quite a few but I've been watching it on lazy weekends, WHAT a 'nana that James has been! It's proper canny :) x