Wednesday, March 1

Dreeeeeeeee-am, Dream, Dream, Dream

I had a weird dream about Trent from Pink is the new Blog last night I’m not entirely sure why.  I think he may have been playing the role of Shocking Fish in the dream, which is odd as they are nothing alike.

Anyway, we lost Alan’s mum’s dog in the dream and then had to go and tell her and then we spent the rest of the time surfing on a dating website, which is unlike me as I would never do a thing like that – *cough cough*

Then I woke up and it was morning again and the cat’s foot was lodged in my ear and I had to leap out of bed, get dressed, brush teeth, feed aforementioned cat and get my lily white ass out of the house all in five minutes.  Ugh.

There was actually snow and frost all over Rocker’s car and the new FOR SALE sign outside our house twinkled prettily under the frosting Jack had given it over night.  (Jack Frost, geddit?)

Today is a day perfect for nestling up on a window seat (not that we have one in our house) and reading books and drinking hot chocolate.  I am engrossed in my book, can’t put it down – next I am toying with the idea of the Kate Moss biography (Kate Moss - Katherine Kendall).  

Can you tell I am in my not-very-intellectual reading mode, after the last Bret Easton Ellis, I need something less demanding.  My head is still spinning from its conclusion – WTF?  Did I even understand the ending?  Still not sure…

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