Fuck Harry Potter
The thing bugging me most today is grown women having long, drawn out conversations about the new Harry Potter movie. Yes, the movies are good but you are pushing 50 and should really know better.
I can fully accept that nerdy enthusiasm for holding on to your youth through the nostalgic feelings you might get from a comic book or a story about wizards and gnomes but really, just F**k off.
I’m the first to admit that I’m the biggest dork going. I read comics and watch stupid, far-fetched movies about men in tights - but I don’t ram it down people’s throats. Embrace the nerd that you are, sure but… Look, I can’t dress this up any other way - I am not a Harry Potter fan.
I read the first three books and got bored. I don’t think JK Rowling is a talented writer (for the record I think she’s an admirable woman - the way she created an empire of her own, is now worth £500 Million and the work she does for charity). All she’s really done is taken a little bit of Tolkien, some Enid Blyton and stirred it up with a pinch of Grange Hill.
Sometimes I get frustrated by so-called literary masterpieces because quite often when you get to the bare bones of it, they are just a good idea and aren’t even well written.
My friends will tell you that I’ve had this argument with them before and they don’t tend to agree with me on this. I don’t care! JK Rowling bugs me!
I'm with you on the writing. Not that it's particularly dreadful, but neither is it spectacularly literate either. Three cheers for her ability to turn a series of competently written teen melodramas into an empire though. That's pop culture for you though. For every fan of a work like "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" you get 5 fans for some piece of tripe by Danielle Steele or the like.
I have read all the books - but it only takes me about half a day to do so. There are ok - not the greatest and not the worst - the films on the other hand are shit - its has more to do with the fact that a 500 + page book can NEVER be addapted into a sub 2 hour film (and the 'kids' cant act for toffee). If you want great books try Micheal Marshal Smith, William Burrows or (for a light read - and they make me laugh) Terry Prattchet. The world should never revolove around Harry Potter but even I have to admit that if it get people reading (and encorages them to read other books by better authors) then well done!
Honestly, I like both the books and the movies...but I would never consider them classics!
Anne Rice...not there's someone who writes classics! ;)
I meant "now there's someone who writes classics!"
I am SUCH a dweeb.
I think someones put voodoo magic on here today.You won't believe how many times ive commented and it just vanishes.Now i can't even remember what i was going to say.
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