Monday, March 20

Viva la Diva

I have never made a secret of my (rather gay) admiration for strong female role models. Streisand, Garland, Minelli, Bardot, Carey - I love them all (Ha! Just joking about that last one). I admire strength, intelligence and humour above all and if that all comes wrapped in a beautiful package, then all the better!

What the hell am I waffling on about?, you may ask yourselves. Well, I shall tell you.
I have started to become obsessed with my new boss. Not in a creepy, lesbonic, new-storyline-in-Eastenders way. No. It's just she's such a freak I can't help but love her. Everyone has told me to watch her so far but I think she thinks I'm capable of great things, because she keeps telling me that. She has a special twinkle in her eye for me, I know it.

She's scary, demanding, rude, Swiss - all the things you shouldn't admire in a person. But I do. She shouts when she should be whispering. She refuses to roll over and play dead when the other (male) Managers tell her to. She's caustic and can be rude and actually downright frightening. But I don't care.

She's a diva and I love her!

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