Wednesday, April 19

Fat Cat Back Slap

Not much to report today. Wondy Tower’s is devoid of scandal, gossip or anything in the least bit tickling. I guess I could make something up but I really haven't the energy or imagination this morning.

At least I keep forgetting that it's Wednesday and then remembering and getting an excited little knot in my stomach. Friday is just around the corner and after Friday comes Saturday. And this Saturday I'm going to a party with Fragglehump. And I'm staying the night at Hump Towers. It will be just like old times! The stories we could tell you...

But then we'd have to kill you - so my lips are sealed (for now).

I looked at Lucy Fur today and realised for the first time, just how fat she is getting. She's mahooosive! When we got her she was tiny and bald - now she's the size of a house and has the glossiest coat ever. I'm so happy with her, so leaving her - even temporarily - is going to break my heart in two. But I know Wondy Mum will love her as much as I do.

How hard is it sometimes to get through the working day? Sometimes I feel I could weep just looking at my screen.

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