Monday, April 10


I found out recently that my Grandparents read my blog.
It's not a shock, at Christmas my Gramps said he'd read it and let me know if he had any criticisms. I haven't had any bad feedback as yet, so I can only assume that he's lovin' my work...
At first I thought I had better clean up my bad language and talk about sensible things so as not to offend anyone - but then I thought - I am what I am and people need to accept that - my Grandparents included!
My Grandfather is 90 years old this month and he has the mental agility and physical grace of a man at least 30 years younger. I'd never tell him that to his face of course, but if he happened, say, to read it on his granddaughter's blog, then well, there really wouldn't be much I could do about it...
So - Gramps... there are many things I could tell you about him but I have decided to save them for a special Birthday message on the 20th April - they'll be worth the wait - he's an interesting character to say the least.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

That's awesome that he reads your blog! How cool!

Chica said...

Your Gramps must rock! x