Wednesday, April 12

Moving on up to the Spirit in the Sky

"Spiritual intimacy is necessary for a practitioner of Buddhism, especially when one is trying to overcome his mental problems" His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Last night I sought spiritual enlightenment in The Chronicles of Narnia. I only got halfway through before bed beckoned (well I am nearly thirty) - up to the part where we meet Liam the Lion (or Aslan as he’s more commonly known). It’s amazing.

Just how cute is James McAvoy as Mr. Tumnus? Who cares that he has hooves and hairy ears – he’s delicious. I like a geek at the best of times but a magical geek that plays his horn like there’s no tomorrow? Have him gift wrapped and sent to my room! *Giggle*

Of course I don’t have to say that Tilda Swinton rocks as the White Witch. She’s so pantomime bad I could wet myself. I love her.

Not much else to report in Wondy Land right now. It’s a joy having the kids to stay especially my partner in crime Frazzle. She makes me laugh as much as any of my friends and always says the most amusing things. We like to have our own secrets from the others.

The cat has stopped sulking and slept on my head for the first time in two days last night. She’s got quite territorial and spends her time on the neighbour’s garage now with a birds eye view of intruders. I’m flirting with the idea of getting her a camouflage jacket and some binoculars to get her look complete.

Do you ever get those days where you feel like a total dork and everything you say is met with a frosty glare and/or tumbleweed blowing through the room? Today is that day for me. I feel awkward, uncomfortable and frankly, I wish I’d stayed in bed.

I shall keep the Buddhist quotes coming throughout the day; they’re little gems.

My next religion/Spiritual lamppost I think will be Scientology. Not, you understand, because I am looking to be impregnated with the alien child of a superstar actor and never utter another word of my own ever again – but just because the whole idea of it seems so preposterous to me that I would like to know more.


Katya Coldheart said...

i might buy narnia for my cousins for easter, either that or King Kong, i like that you can watch films in two halves, i do that but my friend at work says its strange...


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I had NO IDEA that hottie was Mr. Tumnus! Wow! :)