Wednesday, May 3

"If an inner-tube told you to run around a graveyard shouting 'I'm the graveyard man' would you.....?"

So the Wondy Bro has put me onto The Mighty Boosh and I feel sickened with myself that it nearly passed me by because it is so wonderful. When I mentioned it to Wondy Bro he said "It's because you're just not that cool, isn't it?". I fear he may be right...

It's basically a story of the lives of two zookeepers or:

The Mighty Boosh is a show about two zookeepers, Howard Moon and Vince Noir, who work at The Zooniverse, a dilapidated but magical zoo.

It is run by Bob Fossil, a demented American with a military disposition. Each week they get involved in a different adventure.

Whether they end up in the Artic tundra or Monkey Hell they somehow always manage to get back to the zoo intact... (

There is also an arse-kicking fansite:

I love, love, love it. If you ever get the chance and haven't already please don't miss out...

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