Wednesday, June 14

The Coffee Incident

Did you know the energy wasted when you leave your monitor on overnight is equal to the amount of energy used to toast 20 pieces of bread? Just one of the weird and wonderful things I have learned today.

Another useful finding today is that I spend on average £7.40 a week on coffee which totals approx. £384.80 per year - let's say if you took away four weeks for holiday, that would make it £355.20 a year just on Cappuccinos!

For that I could buy:

A kick-ass pair of Manolo Blahnik
A White PSP with all the trimmings
A small Balenciaga handbag
Something sparkly from Tiffany & Co.
My body weight in sweets
A laptop to write my book on

I disgust even myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alas, you could not buy any of those things because you would be non-functional without coffee.