Tuesday, June 6

The End is Nigh

Being a woman with a fully furnished attic room (I.e. brains), I have only just realised that some people believe today will bring the end of the world.

I wondered why I had to step over that crazy dude with 'The End is Nigh' sandwich board on, on the way into my building. I thought Trigger Happy TV had come to call...

Seriously if this was the last day on earth imagine wasting it indoors at work? My last day would consist of lots of bonking, lots of eating and lots of saying the things I never have and should of. Then I'd go home and bury my face in Lucy Fur's thick coat and wait for God to take me. Oh, and watch Big B.

Pretty much like every other day for me then *shrug*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess today isn't a good day to be born