Thursday, June 22


I'm finding myself getting more and more angry with one of my work friends and I'm not sure why. I haven't spoken to her properly for nearly a week, except for small talk and I'm sure she can sense it - but I can't help myself. It feels like the spark has gone between us.

It feels a bit shit actually. I must do something to get us back on track. I wish I could tell you what she has done but there really isn't anything reasonable to say. She's just bugs me.

This Sunday is Episode II: Attack of the Over-enthusiastic Sales Assistant as Wondy Mum and I go once more into the breach, dear friend. I have my two potentials mapped out - but I have a horrific feeling I will never get my bloated body into them.

Oh if only I was one of those annoying women who plan ahead - I could of nibbled on celery sticks up to the day I slipped that gorgeous dress on, but oh no. My diet, that consists almost solely of Cadbury's Flakes and cappucino these days, has completely failed me.

Perhaps Monsoon do a fetching potato sack?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the dresses. You're lovely and it won't be hard for you to find a lovely dress to prove it. Being a bit round is good for the soul.

As for the friend, say something to her? Just say you feel things are going to crap and you don't want to lose the friendship maybe... I think I would do that.