Thursday, June 8

In the Brown

Last night I had to make a very delicate decision. After finishing the absolutely brillant The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami - do I pick up The Da Vinci Code or do I crack on with Norwegian Wood, also by Murakami? Well, I went to bed at ten thirty last night which was absolute bliss and decided on Da Vinci.

I'm now 6 chapters into it and I'm being driven mad. Am I the only one who doesn't like the way it's written? Everything just seems so contrived. I know I'm no great writer, I've certainly never been on the bestsellers list and I'm not rich and famous - but I'm sorry. I don't like Dan Brown.

I'll give it the benefit of the doubt though and see if it sucks me in.

Only time will tell.


Chica said...

Wondy, the book is so badly written! Dan Brown is an awful writer! It's total fromage!

But I got sucked in to the story straight away and loved it! Plus you can read the thing in like a heartbeat.

The film sucked ass too! x

PS Sorry for all the exclamation marks :P

Rainypete said...

I'm with you. I've read two of his books and they are so mechanical you can almost hear the gears clanking as you read. Nothing like some marketing to create a frenzy though!