Saturday, June 10

My Prize Possession*

Yes this really is a signed photograph of Terry and June folks! Sadly, Terry never lived to scribe this shot but thank Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle for June Whitfield.

For those uninitiated into the world of T & J, let me fill you in. Terry and June were a middle-aged, middle-class couple alone for the first time since their last grown-up daughter moved out. But their new found freedom was short-lived as they were soon joined by 'kooky' Aunt Dotty who came to stay indefinately.

Que lots of 'hilarious' japes involving the Vicar coming to tea, a talkative mynah bird and several 'hysterical' cases of mistaken identity and you have a show that ran for over 107 episodes and became a National Treasure.

God love T & J. June can now be found peddling life insurance in an informmercial near you...

Shocking Fish, how jealous are you of this?

*Prize Possession just under my signed Barbra Streisand photograph, that is. How gay am I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to love Terry and June they were so funny.