Friday, June 16

Read it and Weep

Apparently I have upset one of my readers by saying something they didn't agree with. Well, welcome to the real world, dear reader.

I am thinking of getting a disclaimer to put on this blog, a friendly warning that the posts within mean something to me, and whether it's a political view or a comment about a pair of shoes, I have the right. I'm not asking my readers to agree with everything I say - I welcome comment and I'll be only to happy to consider other people's arguments against my views - but the bottom line is: if I offend you, do not read me.


Anonymous said...

Very true comment Wondy

Rainypete said...

What, Grace reads your blog now?

Heather said...

Now I am, of course, dying to know who it was and what they were offended by.

shocking_fish said...

All I said was that you lack artistic integrity and lack any cohesive writen form - some people are just soooo touchy!

I want to know who it is - tell me or the naked pictures of rocker (wearing nothing but a pvc bra and panties) get plastered all over the interweb thing

when are we going to go and watch the new superman film - I want to see if the roumors are true - you know about the "lunchbox" haveing to reduced in size!

Love ya

SF xxx