Tuesday, July 25

Almost Transparent Blue

I accidently went onto Play.com and bought the following:

Dance, Dance, Dance - Haruki Murakami
Almost Transparent Blue - Ryu Murakami
The Trial - Franz Kafka

For some strange reason I always end up buying books in threes. I have no idea why. Is that obsessive compulsive behaviour, do you think?

I'm going to spend the entire summer reading - hurrah!


Anonymous said...

Me too! Not about the threes, but about the reading all summer. When I buy books, I like to buy them in even dollar amounts...

Anonymous said...

Now you've done it! I bought books too!

YAY FOR BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!

Rainypete said...

Well you've got to do summat while you wait for that hair of yours to grow right? So why not let your brain nosh on a few books then?

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

That accidently happened to me too!

(I really did order a book today off of Amazon.com...:)

Anonymous said...

I haven't ordered a book for about a month.I still have a few to read here.