Thursday, July 13

Block Party

Yesterday evening I sat down in front of my laptop, rolled my sleeves, cracked my knuckles and... nothing. Nada. Diddly squat.

This writing malarkey is flipping difficult, isn't it? I don't suppose I expected it to be easy but still, I have writer's block before I've even begun. Help!

To top it all off, I also drank so much Coca-Cola yesterday that I was Pete Doherty on a pogo-stick by the time I went to bed. Very scary. I have the shakes this morning, I kid you not.

Must. Cut. Down.

Talking of Pete Doherty, a vicious rumour is sweeping the nation - he appears to be cleaning up his act. I really hope this is true because I do believe he is a talented soul. I am envious of his talent in fact - would be a shame to see him sweat it all away.

I bet he doesn't get writer's block, even when he's floating about on another planet...

1 comment:

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I sat down in front of my laptop, rolled my sleeves, cracked my knuckles and... nothing. Nada. Diddly squat

Happens to me every single time....and it's THE main reason I got a damn laptop in the first place!