Thursday, July 27


The Sublime Yummy Sushi Pajamas is doing her bit for charity this year for the American Cancer Society:

"This year I am participating in the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. Making Strides is a non-competitive five-mile walk that takes place in more than 100 cities across the country. Making Strides has no registration fee and no fundraising minimum, which means that more people can participate. However, the many breast cancer programs from of the American Cancer Society depend on the generous donations collected by Making Strides Participants, so I'm asking you to please support me with a donation of any amount. Whether its $5, or $500, every bit truly does help. We're making great strides in our fight against breast cancer, but I won't quit until we're done. Hope Starts Here... With Us!"

View Heather's profile here

Good luck girlie, I'm dead proud of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH for posting this! It really means a lot!