Thursday, July 27

Fight for the right

I know I quote my brother an awful lot, but he says so many cool things that I agree with wholeheartedly and I like to share them with the rest of the world. So there.

From: Wondy Bro
Sent: 27 July 2006 11:57
To: Woman, Wondy
Subject: RE:

I need to take a few classes before I get my feet off the ground. But half the reason that I want to go to Uganda is to test my theory. Photography is at its purest when it highlights the art of people and diversity. For what ever reason we, as humans, always need to compare our lives to the lives of others, good or bad we need reflection to consolidate our being. Strange

From: Woman, Wondy
Sent: 27 July 2006 11:50
To: Wondy Bro
Subject: RE:

I agree wholeheartedly with that statement - the world doesn't need another mountain or rainbow, it needs truth and it needs to think for itself and it needs boundaries pushed - besides, the most beautiful things in the world are the things we don't expect to see. You can do it, Tim and I can't wait to see your first projects.

From: Wondy Bro
Sent: 27 July 2006 11:45
To: Woman, Wondy
Subject: RE:

I think that once I get the camera it will be my aim to work for the New York Times as a staff photographer before I die, or perhaps Reuters.

Check out some of there pictures from the current war between Israel and Hezbollah. I've been thinking that I don't want to capture the beauty in the world, it’s too easy to take a nice picture of a sunset or a mountain, the beauty already exists in the essence of the object. The test is to find meaning and emotion in the pain and suffering that millions have to endure on a daily basis, and hopefully bring injustice to the forefront of average joe’s consciousness by capturing moments of time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Wondy Bro Go! Of course he can do it! He's got you to cheer him on!