Friday, July 28

Friday Sex God

I can safely say yesterday can go in the running for Worst Day Ever. The details are too boring to even contemplate again but just know this: I am hanging on by a thread and am really going to get mad if said boring situation continues.

You wouldn't like me when I'm mad!

And breathe...

On that note, today's Friday Sex God is an Ode to the thinking woman's crumpet, a beautiful melody playing in honour of my Intellectual Crush who hasn't the faintest idea I exist I'm sure, or does but only to say things like "Yes, I often buy Heat magazine... when I stop to pick up my copy of The Economist". Ouch!

Oh cruel cruel God, grant me a brain as big as an oak tree so I can turn this life around and make him in awe of me.

Here are my crumpled, heart-wrenchingly talented creative minded sex-pots:

Haruki Murakami (Of course)
"In a place far away from anyone or anywhere, I drifted off for a moment".

Pete Doherty
“Even life without drugs has gotta be better than this malarkey.”

Albert Camus.
"An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself."

Philip Seymour Hoffman
"I work constantly but I work at a lot of different things. You know, I run a theater company in New York, I direct plays, act in plays, in movies, so I try to keep it eclectic.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Miss Wondy! Smile, for you are loved. I adore you're smart girls sex gods. Love it!