Wednesday, July 5


I've chipped a bone in my leg and it hurts so bad I want to cry. Apparently, strapping an extra large bag of frozen whitebait to ones leg and talking in a whimpery voice to The Boyfriend does nothing to ease the pain.

And not even a purple bruise to show for my troubles.



Anonymous said...

I totally HEART you! I should send you a care package!

wondy woman said...

Ah I HEART you too! I'm ok though, just accident prone, I'll soon injure another body part to take my mind of my leg, rest assured!

Thanks for thinking of me!

Chica said...

Ouch ouch ouch! I have a dint in my leg from the brick incident. Everyone will be wearing them on the catwalk next season, you watch! x

Chica said...

PS If the whitebait doesn't work try peas, they're the more traditional fayre I believe... x

Anonymous said...

Im so sorry Wondy.I hope your feeling better now girl.
Hugs to you