Monday, July 24

Stuff Your Face with my Sugary Love

I had the most bizarre dream last night that I was pregnant and going around visiting my friends to tell them the happy news - and not one of them was that excited! Imagine that, because if in reality I did find myself in the family way, I think most of my friends would die of shock as I'm the last person they'd expect to be doing the mummy thing.


It was a very odd dream indeed and to top it all I have the worst toothache this morning and I could swear it's sympathy pains for Mr Bojangles who had his wisdoms out last week. A few weeks back I also had sympathy period pangs for Liz - so I think my body is trying to tell me something. Maybe I'm more spiritual than I thought?

Well, my PC has finally, definitely died, it's death scene was quite touching and at the same time, dramatic. It coughed, it spluttered, it beckoned me closer, cleared it's throat and whispered pathetically in my ear; "Ha". That no good piece of crap computer!!

So if I don't comment enough or answer emails as I should, please feel free to reprimand me. There won't be much I can do about it until that heavenly day when I finally have enough money saved to buy myself a laptop, though. It's a real pisser really, as I was just getting myself into the writing.

My friend Liz has been incredible lately as well, pushing me to apply for a Press & Public Relations job which I am completely and utterly under-qualified for but requires someone to write quite a lot of articles and press releases,etc - but she believes I can do it. It's so nice. I might apply or I might not but it's still nice to know someone thinks I can do something other than this.

There is so much more to life than this.

Come on girl
Let's sneak out of this party
It's getting boring
There's more to life than this

It's still early morning
We could go down to the harbor
And jump between the boats
And see the sun come up
We could nick a boat
And sneak off to this island
I could bring my little ghettoblaster
There's more to life than this

But then we'd have to rush back
To the town's best baker
To get the first bread of the morning
There's more to life than this


Anonymous said...

Oh, you MUST apply for that job! It would be great experience even if they turn you away! There is never any harm in getting your foot in the door, your name heard in certain circles...

Go, apply.

sineadollie said...

hi wondy, you must at least send a cv to this place, this job could be the start of something big.. you being in the published way instead of the family way *tee hee* what's the worst that can happen? a no? so what?