Saturday, July 22

The Weekenders

Unless I can beat my computer (or my boyfriend into beating my computer) into submission, there will be no weekend posting this weekend. Although many of you don't post at the weekend, because you actually have lives - I like to use mine to post about artwork or films that I like.

Usually I like to search the web for contemporary artists that speak to me and who I would hang on the walls of my home, if I was very rich and had lots and lots of space. Alas, the closest I am to art is the faded, curled-at-the-corners Bram Stoker's Dracula poster we have in the bedroom - but a girl can dream.

So maybe I'll be about, maybe I won't - have a great weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These made me think of you. Maybe you can get your art fix this weekend after all.