Wednesday, August 30

The Devil Wears Primark

Well, it's my last day. My last ever day here, at this desk. I'm kind of sad. No more free phone calls and unlimited internet access for one thing. And an end to the delicious email conversations I have day to day with like-minded wage slaves.

I'm going to be a nomad, of no fixed abode for quite some time. I'm going to wander these streets barefoot, inspired by nature. Inspired by the elements. Inspired by Brigitte Bardot circa 1956.

Alternatively, I could scrap the long-haired free spirit for designer chic and make like Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada - the girl is a goddess! Check the following outfits:

I'm so jealous!


Anonymous said...

I recommend Anne because, as you know, I completely covet her look.

wondy woman said...

I know, you inspired this post!

Anonymous said...

Onward and upward to better things Wondy.The world is now your oyster.

Ole Blue The Heretic said...

Take away her make up and clothes and she will look like any other female on the planet and maybe not quite so pretty.

I bet all the photos were altered. She probably has zits and bad skin days and bad hair days like anyone else.

Rainypete said...

I'll bet if we put you in those getups you'd look even better that that scrawny thing.