Sunday, August 27

Grind House

Recently I have been reading much about new Robert Rodriguez/Quentin Tarantino collaboration Grind House, which will consist of two full length horror movies written by both and put together as a two film features. They will even include fake movie trailers in between both movies!

Frankly, I think it sounds wonderful, being that I have a very warped love of gore and I admire the work of both, although occasionally I do believe it would be better for all if Tarantino was seen and not heard.


(But a talented twat, nonetheless.)

Anyway, personal views aside, Grind House will feature two horror movies, Death Proof (starring Kurt Russell as a crazed psycho stuntman (love it) who uses his car to kill beautiful women, a la Duel, but on acid) and Planet Terror (a zombie flick). And the fake trailers will be directed by Eli Roth and Edgar Wright, which will be brilliant!

Personally I cannot flippin' wait!

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