Tuesday, August 29

She's Alive!

There is so much work on my desk to complete in the next two days I might have to scream. Or poke myself hard with a sharpened pencil. Or throw myself running from the window. The options are endless.

Tomorrow is my last ever day here. I should be really delirious but I'm sort of sad. Not about leaving the work but I have friends here. I don't want to leave them. I hate it because I know what life is like, you spend every day with certain people and then one of you leaves and you promise to stay in touch - and then you never give them a second thought.

No way am I losing touch with my closest crew though, I vow that now.

So the hols. Lots of child based activities. Thorpe Park, the beach. Mostly we've all been packing for the move. We've thrown away 75% of our belongings. I'm a nervous wreck.

But I am also more excited than I have been in a long time. I feel as though we are at the top of a very tall descent on the biggest roller coaster and I'm two parts excited, one part shit-scared.

More importantly though, I feel alive again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! I love big changes, even if they are scary sometimes.