Wednesday, August 2

Summer Reading

I always think you can learn a lot about a person from what they choose to read and watch and listen to. On that note I thought I would share with you, dear readers, my summer reading list.

As I have vowed to myself that I will spend the entire summer reading, I had better get a move on - I have fifteen titles and just sixteen straight days away from work to do it - that is just under one book a day!

And I have to fit in playing with the kids, day trips, hanging out with the family and all the usual bull of life as well...

Oh to have a cabin in the woods away from civilisation!

On Beauty by Zadie Smith
Almost Transparent Blue by Ryu Murakami
The Human Stain by Philip Roth
How the Dead Live by Will Self
Dance, Dance, Dance by Haruki Murakami
Miss Wyoming by Douglas Coupland
Shampoo Planet by Douglas Coupland
Everyone Worth Knowing by Lauren Weisberger
Lovers and Players by Jackie Collins
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson
Life of Pi of Yann Martel
Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami
The Making of a Philosopher by Colin McGinn
The Trial by Franz Kafka

My next Murakami will have to be Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche which looks really interesting and of course is not a work of fiction. It will be interesting to see what a serious, non-fantastical piece is like in Murakami's hands.

I am completely obsessed with him.



Anonymous said...

Now I have that many more to add to my Amazon wishlist!!!

Rainypete said...

Woohoo! Philip Roth!

I've definitely got to do some more book shopping. Damn you Wondy!!

Anonymous said...

I have hardly read anything lately.It seems i don't have enough time to breathe and sleep even these days.