Wednesday, September 6

Bangkok, Baby

We booked our flights for Bangkok this morning, we're going for six weeks at the beginning of November, I can't wait! You only get four weeks in Thailand apparently so we'll probably skip East over to Cambodia for a little while.

This'll be Rocker's first time outside of Europe and my second (I did Australia when I was 20, all those years back with a brief stop-over in Hong Kong, which doesn't really count).

I'm very excited now!

And before that we have the Amsterdam trip to look forward to and a five-day break in Berlin (finally) with the kids. I've been hinting at a trip to Berlin for many years now (thank you Cabaret) and finally I get it. Rocker told the kids this evening about their 'surprise trip' and all they could say was 'wow' in an unimpressed manner.

Kids, don't you just love them? They don't know their born, etc, etc.

Well, I cannot wait!


Anonymous said...

You lucky lucky thing.Im sooooooo Jealous.

Anonymous said...

Dying. Of. Jealousy.

Rainypete said...

Sad really. I get excited about a trip to the mall anymore.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Oooo....that sounds wonderful! I'm jealous too!!!! ;)