Ugly Wondy
This weekend I was lucky enough to get a flash of gratitude course through my body as I fell a little more in love with three of my most vintage friends over free hot chocolate and beer. I always knew I was lucky to have these people in my life, but it’s nice to have a reminder creep up behind you and give you a wedgie every now and again.
It is so horrible to take friendship for granted, but we all do. We think it will always be there but it needs nurturing and love. With the odd sprinkling of glitter and a lack of judgement mixed in.
I love these people because they ‘get me’ and better still, encourage me. I can relax and act a twat and know I won’t alienate myself. Rare, I think.
So to those three friends, I say: I love you. Always have. Always will.*Blush*
I also want to wish Heather all the luck in the world for her Crete trip:
I know I’m a day late and you left yesterday morning, love but I’ll be thinking of you and cannot wait to see the pictures and hear all the news. I’m going to miss you so much while you’re away and I’m gutted we couldn’t meet this time around. Won’t be long now though, I’m sure.
In other news, the computer saga is ridiculous, it’s currently at the PC clinic being given a full medical, and God knows when it will be fixed. We’ll try and get my laptop up and running online in the interim so it might be sooner than I think, but I am dying without the Internet!
The only place to go to use it in Bexhill is the library and even then you have to book an appointment and negotiate the living dead to get to it.
Also, did anyone see Ugly Betty? I love it.
I hate having no computer and the library ones are no better here.Slow as hell and always someone reading over your shoulder.The last time i used one this woman was reading what i typed so i typed i want to "f**k your brains out" without the sensors.That got rid of her quick.
Oh no, I miss you! I've been thirsting for a Wondy fix!!
I caught the first Ugly Betty and I quite liked it. I also love the way she says "Ta-dah!" on the adverts :) xx
te-hehe. Hot Chocolate and Beer. hehe.
Terribly sorry to hear of your computer! I shall miss you until it is fixed and you are up and typing again!
I am seriously in love with our friendship dont ever think that i can live without you as I can't!
Love you.
And Cleo. Oh to be that suitcase.
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