Monday, February 26

"And I'd Like To Thank..."/The Wondy's (Continued)

The results are in:

Best Motion Picture of the Year
Winner: The Departed - Graham King - OK, it's not LMS but well deserved...

Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Winner: Forest Whitaker for The Last King of Scotland - Um?

Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Winner: Helen Mirren for The Queen - Hurrah! I love Helen.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Winner: Alan Arkin for Little Miss Sunshine - Yey! Yey! Yey!

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Winner: Jennifer Hudson for Dreamgirls - Don't know, but well done for outshining Beyonce!

Best Achievement in Directing
Winner: Martin Scorsese for The Departed - About blimmin' time, Marty.

Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
Winner: Little Miss Sunshine - Michael Arndt - Well played, if only I could write like this!

This time last year I couldn't be held down, I was so excited that my boy, Philip Seymour Hoffman had won one - this year it's a little bit blah. But still...

Anyway, onto more pressing things, such as my very own awards. Without further ado, I bring you the next categories:

  • Category of - Best All-round Sex-pot
    For services rendered as my BFF and being more fabulous that a bucket of Streisands:
    ...and the Wondy goes to... (drumroll, please)
    Shocking Fish, of course. Who else?
  • Category of - Best Newcomer
    For being fairly new to the game but being an inspiration every day:
    …and the Wondy goes to…
    BK for I Am The Sky!
  • Category of - Best Potential Blogger
    For being such a sweetie to Chica and for potential amusement (no pressure):
    …and the Wondy goes to…
    'Muffin for 'Muffin's Wisdom!

*Wild applause*

  • Category of - Best Artist
    For being just fabulous and talented:
    …and the Wondy goes to…
    Jesus Antonio for Comic Book Creator!
  • Category of - Best Old Skool
    For being one of my first readers and always being there for me:
    ...and the Wondy goes to...
    The Pink Lady for Caves of Ice!


  • Category of - Best Royal
    For always maintaining an air of grace whilst still being f**king cool:
    …and the Wondy goes to…
    The Peanut Queen for The Peanut Queen's Lair!

(Here we have a brief interval, to grab some more champers and mingle a little. We were going to have Mariah Carey sing a track from her hit movie, Glitter - but sadly, and tragically, she was crushed under the weight of her own head early this morning, and will be quite unable to perform. Ever again.)

*Rapturous applause*

Which brings us neatly to our last but by no means least award of the day...

For being totally on the wavelength of the founder of the Wondy Awards and for totally, like, being postergirl for the values that the Wondy's represent - for rocking hard and being utterly gorgeous, all-round, all the time:

the Lifetime Achievement Award - goes to:

*Annoying Pop Idol style pause...*

Twelve minutes later...

*"You Suuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!"*

  • Fragglehump for The Ramblings of Ellie "F**k your umlaut" Kemm!
So there you have it. The 2007 Wondy Awards, as voted by me.

"The Wondy's were filmed live in front of a studio audience (the cat)..."

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Chica said...

Haha, you rock, I shall virtually treasure my Wondy x

shocking_fish said...

What can I say, this is sooo unexpected. *sniff* I have to thank all the little people who have helped me reach the top. *whimper* First of all I have to thank my mother, thanks ma! With out you I would only be half the person I am today.. My monkey *blub* with out whom I wouldn’t have such a nice place in Hove. My work colleagues and general underlings that I work with every day – I know that you will want this award (though its mine because I’m more talented than you and better looking). I also have to thank the mad old lady who wanders the streets in Worthing – this is for you babe!. Thanks to all at Claire’s accessories for hair and makeup, glamour always comes at a price. *sniff* Then there is the dentist, doctor and candlestick maker – thanks to you all. My periadontist and prosthetic limb maker, the bloke who shouts at the pigeons in Hounslow, Gladys my lovely tea lady, Bourbon Biscuits, Vegan cheese, The cast and crew of the remake of Poseidon, dried mangoes and finally the big man upstairs – the one and only Marlon Brando

Word out


wondy woman said...

Bravo! Bravo!

Rebecca said...

OH, OH. Ok, this is the part where I would make a speech except me making speeches usually induces vomitting. So... this would be the scene as follows: [walks onto the stage] *sqeals* takes the Wondy... *sqeals again* * mangages a quick thanks while running!* ;)


Anonymous said...

Im honoured to be awarded a Wondy.I would like to thank all my fellow bloggers,the milkman.The newspaper delivery boy, mailman and Maxwell House.Because without them i wouldn't be able to function in the morning.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

*gives her best queenly-like wave...fighting back tears of joy*

I just want to say I am SO honored to be awarded a Wondy! Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined to be here now, accepting this award....and I'd like to thank all the sweet Peanuttians out there who have stuck by in in good times and bad...when I had good blog posts and when I had shitty blog posts....when I pissed and moaned and when I was happy....

*orchestra starts playing their "get-her-the-hell-off-the-stage" music*

Thanks da best! ;)

wondy woman said...

You so deserve it, PQ!