Saturday, March 10

Boom Boom

To my brother who says girls can't be funny, I say:

What did the bra say to the hat?


"You go on ahead, I'll give these two a lift."

I thank you.

(My work here is done.)


Monogram Queen said...

How can he be YOUR brother and say that? I have lurked here and read your comments on other blogs and you are charming and hilarious!

Rebecca said...

He's obviously confused.

wondy woman said...

Patti - that is the nicest thing anyone's said to me in a long time, thank you so much.

BK - your boyfriend is most definitely confused, I think!

Unknown said...

Wondy: Comedian Rita Rudner says she's discovered a new push-up bra. The lower part is magnetized and the fillings in ones teeth pull it up! :)

Anonymous said...

Women crack me up! Margaret Cho is FUNNY!!! And you, my dear, are priceless. Wondy Bro just lost major cute points.

Rebecca said...

hahahaha. One could only wish ;)

He didn't lose any cute points in my book... someone's obviously thumped him on the head causing a short lapse in neuron connections.