Currently unemployed and trying to be an intrepid nomad, living a simple existence with only my backpack and a notepad for company, but I miss my cat and I miss nice shoes and I know I'll miss tea before too long. I am at the crossroads in my life now, still only twenty-something but reeling at the thought that next year I will be thirty and nowhere near to being the person I want to be. So hence the travels. I'm still but a blank canvas.
If I tell you I will need to kill you!! That is top secret info.!! ;)
Missing your posts!!!:::(
Be good!!
Definitely Oscar - he's such a grouch! RIP Kermit! (is Miss Piggy in seclusion prostrate with grief?)
Network television and I've never forgiven them for that travesty! Pull the Muppets and replace it with reality programming?? Why lord whyyyyyy!?
i did it. lock me up.
I think Gonzo did it as part of some chicken-homosexual-suicide pact thing.
Or Fozzie did it because he wasn't getting enough stage time.
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