Monday, March 12

Canadia Here We Come

A functional day chez Wondy - washing, tidying, throwing things out.

Maybe a little bit of product description work for the lovely Shocking Fish - must keep myself busy or I'll end up watching back to back Jeremy Kyle and a part of my soul will die.

At least all this time off has afforded us the time to get everything together for The Canada Plan. The lawyers have confirmed that everything is in place so over the next five days they'll be sending the final draft back for signatures - and then it's off to the Canadian Government for their perusal.

Here's hoping they let Rocker into the country...

Fingers crossed everybody, if you will!


Monogram Queen said...

Fingers crossed!
Toes crossed!
Eyes crossed!

wondy woman said...

Thank you so much, Patti - you rock!

Anonymous said...

Oh good luck with the canada thing.My friend Andy has just been accepted and im helping him find a job before he gets here.

Rainypete said...

"Here's hoping they let Rocker into the country"
Why not? What's he gone and done now?
Good luck!!

Chica said...

Fingers crossed and thinking good thoughts for you love!! x

Rebecca said...

EXCITING!!! Fingers crossed on this end too! Well, at least mentally crossed, because I kind of need them for functioning too. ;)