Monday, March 12

Hustle & Flow

Wondy Bro recommended this new site for setting up your own playlists:

Now I just log in and get down, with just one click - here's my 80's list, don't say I never spoil you!


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Thanks Wondy! Now I'm off to make my own playlist...;)

P.S. - Is there a better "hero" song than Bonnie Tylers? I think not!

Monogram Queen said...

Oh boy I am an 80's chick to the MAX!

antonio said...

been there done thath!!! check it!!


Dixie said...

I still live in the 80's too. *sigh*

Anonymous said... sister and I were just making a playlist last night of songs we listened to when we were younger. I heart the '80's.

Stopping by on Patti's recommendation. I'll be back. :)