Thursday, March 15

Farewell My Concubine

Last night I retired to the boudoir with a migraine at 9pm and slept until 10am this morning.

13 hours of fitful sleep, in which time I dreamt I was the newest concubine of a cruel Chinese man.


Yes, concubine.

Except that I got told off all the time and was never asked to do anything physical (thank god) because I was the naughtiest concubine he had ever had.

Shocking Fish thinks there must be something twisted to this dream, but I think maybe I have a good old fashioned need to be subserviant.

Ha ha - yeah right!

In other news, I ate two cadbury's creme egg's for breakfast and would like to thank each and every one of you for your lovely, supportive comments on my last two posts re: the Immigration Monkeys and the job front.

Things are better on the Monkey front, and usually are once you beat them up with a stick (albeit verbally). So cross your paws again for me if you will and I will keep you up to date on The Canada Plan.

Tomorrow I hope to visit the most amazing mini-art gallery in the country and have concocted a glorious little story about my rich Mother looking for a unique piece for her new home (not far from the truth, eh Mum?) so that they might possibly let me take some pictures to show you.

But for now I'm off to see a mentalist about a life size John Wayne cardboard cut-out...

Word to your mother.


Chica said...

Mine and Bertie's paws are all crossed for you! Although I will be sad for our little kingdom to lose you to Canada! Even if you are the naughtiest concubine ever.


Enjoy shopping the gallery chick, glad you're feeling better x x x

Monogram Queen said...

My paws are crossed for you too!

Word to your Mother, now that's a blast from the past!

Anonymous said...

I love you, my naughty little concubine.

shocking_fish said...

I have cash for you - honnest - for services rendered. Maybe the dream was about me and the money that I owe you?

wondy woman said...

Thanks all you guys.

You guys...

SF - don't be silly you little minx, I think that dream was maybe a premonition that you were going to invite me onto your factory floor to meet some of the dolls from the new range... Valley of the Dolls in real life.

I'm frightened. Hold me.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Hey, I had half a chocolate caramel candy bar for lunch. Chocolate IS the perfect food, right? ;)

Good luck with the mini-art gallery! :)

Unknown said...

I had a dream last night that this random girl came up to me and said:
"Our nickname for you is 'The crow' -because you are squawky and have four black hairy armpits"

I think it probably means I'm coming into money or something.

wondy woman said...

Or perhaps you are about to be recruited into a secret circus?

Can I come please, Crow?

He He. Love you.