Wednesday, March 21

Witche's Tit

It is so bitterly cold here that I have a Beddy Bear strapped to my left boob just to ease the pain of a frozen nip.

Oddly it seems just to be effecting the one side - but it is agonising and I have found myself crippled over on more than one occasion this evening.

I am such a wimp.

Why oh why can't the weather sort itself out? On a day to day basis I don't know whether to reach for the bikini or the snow boots.

Sort it out, Mother Nature - wouldja please?

In other news, Daniel Craig had better not wander about round my way on his own this evening, or I'll be forced to drag him in by the hair and keep him locked up for the next two weeks (should be sufficient, methinks).

Wondy Mum's Mother's Day gift was Casino Royale on DVD and it was fab.

I wasn't really feeling DC as Bond to be honest, that's not to say he's not lush and a good actor - it's just I think he'll maybe take another few Bond movies to settle in.

Was impressed though.

Right, I'm off to read about lesbians and very gay gentlemen in post war London.

Nighty night.


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

DC is a hottie! :)

Come visit me!!! We've had our (supposed) last cold snap last week...we'll be in the 80's for the rest of the week! :)

Chica said...

*whispers* I know Daniel Craig's mum.

I've probably already told you this - I tell everyone!

I can't quite bring myself to express concern for your nipple, but I do love you x

Patti_Cake said...

Get well soon to the frozen nip!

We go from almost 80's back down to 50's in the space of a day.

Glad your Mum had a nice one!!!

What are you reading? Spill. You should try Caleb Carr. He's pretty interesting.

wondy woman said...


You know Daniel Craig's mum? Does she ever mention me?

Ha ha. Ha. Er.

What's she like, how do you know her, think you can get an invite round there next Christmas??? - I'll come naturally?

I love you too - and not just because of your celebrity connections - first Wayne Rooney, now this - what's next?

BBFs with Bonnie Langford's dog walker?

Rainypete said...

Sorry 'bout the nipple, but it would be as confused round here It's been up to 15C last week and -11C today. Nasty stuff.

Chica said...

I once saw Tim Vincent in Pizza Hut?

She's lovely. Once told me she loved me. DC's mum loves me!

Shame I'm no Kate Moss/Sienna Miller/Insert other impossibly glamorous celebrity girlfriend here.

wondy woman said...

Pete - Brrr, minus eleven. It would implode!

Chica - DC's mama loves you - omg - that is licence to be her daughter-in-law alright! Would Boyf mind?