Wednesday, April 4

Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not

This week = worst week of my life. Bar none.

By A Beautiful Revolution


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Oooo no!!! Don't say that!!!

What's up, Wondy?

wondy woman said...

Everything and nothing, PQ - I'll be ok tomorrow - I promise!

Anonymous said...

I am worried for you. Please take care of yourself and let me know what's up when you can.

I love you!

wondy woman said...

I love you too, H!

katie said...

I hope you are okay!

Monogram Queen said...

What's wrong sweetie? Just think tropical thoughts... you sound like me last week. It too,will pass.

Chica said...

Aw babe. Hope everything is okay, sending hugs and happy thoughts your way x x x

Rebecca said...

what's wrong??? why so glum chum????? i'm gonna start swimming now to come cheer you up... i'll be there in about a year, don't get happy until then. ;) But, seriously, I hope you're alright!

Rainypete said...

It all depends on what they are saying as to how you interpret this bad boy. Be your own person my dear and let nobody guide your way for you. At least that way if you get lost you've done it on your own merits. Although I have to say that the vacation board looks suspiciously like the vacations that fit my budget.