Tuesday, April 10

Mission Impossible

Boy do I know this to be true!

How I love to dream but somehow never end up getting anywhere.

Life has a nasty tendancy of spoiling all the fun and sitting down dead in the way of what you want to do and all the fun you plan to have.

Responsibility is inevitable if you're to get on in life but it can be so dull and it can turn you into a nervy old nag before you even realise it - and all your creative juices have been squeezed out from within you, leaving just a flaky husk.

More than once a day I hear myself whispering to my inner-self, "This is the life you are supposed to lead, and that isn't you." I usually quash it and carry on regardless, but the voice is right.

I am far more creative than I let myself be. I don't concentrate on the things I love, I leave them half-finished by the wayside when drama drags me into it's whirlpool - and when I've finally pulled myself out, sopping wet and miserable - I forget what I was even doing.

I want to be an artist, I want to use my hands, my eyes (when they work!) - I want to express myself in as many ways as possible - and these past few weeks I have been doing just that.

Encouragement from my friends means the world, and when they praise me I know I'm doing something right, because they wouldn't lie to me.

Take for instance, photography. I may not even have an eye and my shots may suck really, but I'm in love with capturing moments and I want to concentrate on that.

I might see how I can go about doing a photographic course, and learn a few of the basics. I wouldn't mind starting completely from scratch - as I know next to nothing on the technical side.
I wish now I had paid more attention whilst gaining my GCSE in Photography!

And one day I will be able to buy myself a real camera.

Depressed Doodle By A Beautiful Revolution


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I think you take wonderful pictures, Wondy! :)

And The PK and I seem to be discussing much the same things lately. We've had the "What if's..." for weeks now for some reason. "If I'd only stayed in school"...or "If I'd only joined the army", etc.

Must be something in the air, huh?

Hang in there....;)

Rebecca said...

You don't have to want to be an artist. You are one. Just start creating things and it gets easier and easier to keep doing it and your head starts making more sense. You will be great in this life. You have passion.

All the <3's in the world!

Rainypete said...

You need not to learn to be creative nor do you need to go and purchase the latest and greatest tools (i.e. camera) with which to create. The biggest obstacle between most people and their creativity is themselves. It can be difficult to open one's mind and let it go free. To pour your ehart and soul into something that you fear won't be appreciated by others, but I'll let you in on a littel secret. If you created it and you love it then it's good enough. Do you really think Salvador Dali or Ansel Adams set about to work their wonderful crafts whilst wondering what people would think? I don't believe so.

Creativity is like a baby bird and if you never let it out of the nest to fall once in a while it will never truly learn to soar.

Been loving your photos, keep shooting the way you want to.