Wednesday, April 11

Dare To Dream

Re: Yesterday's Post

I got this marvellous comment from me old mucker BK:

"You don't have to want to be an artist. You are one. Just start creating things and it gets easier and easier to keep doing it and your head starts making more sense. You will be great in this life. You have passion."

How cool is she? And how wise?

Despite what people might think, I am loving my life at the moment. Sure I have no money, no job and nowhere permanent to live - but it's at times like this you start to learn who you can rely on in life.

I feel somewhat stressed at times, with the constant queries from the Immigration Monkeys, sure - but when I feel guilty about taking a year out of the rat-race, I have to remind myself that actually, I am doing something huge.

I am trying to move to another country to start a new life. That's pretty cool.

And after everything, even if it fails, I know I'll survive - because I have a fantastic support network.

So to all my lovely friends, to the Fragglehumps, Heathers, Rainy Petes, BKs and Shocking Fishs of this world I say: without you I am nothing.

And don't even get me started on the Peanut Queens or the Chicas...


Anonymous said...

You inspire greatness in your friends because you are impossible NOT to love. You're amazing, and BK is so right. I can't wait to see what you do!

Rebecca said...

aww. You are a wonderful person. I really mean what I said. Seriously, I've not even known you very long and I already love you to death because you're so great!!!! :)