Wednesday, April 11

My Tuppence Worth

What I Thought Of The Three Movies I Watched Recently:


Amazing. Amy Adams really did deserve that Oscar nom, she's luminous. Not a lot of storyline but that doesn't even matter, because it's a gorgeous little indie movie with fantastic performances from everyone.

Lovely. The kind of movie I wish I could make.

The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things

A weird one, because there's no happy ending - there's nothing really happy in this at all. It tells the story of Jeremiah, who is dragged up screaming my his f**ked up mother, Sarah - who abandons him as often as she snatches him away from any semblance of normality. All the horrific things that could happen to a child do happen to Jeremiah - and I'm just not sure if I liked the movie.

It's based on the book by J.T. LeRoy, which I read and there's a sequel called Sarah, so maybe there'll be a sequel to the movie too, so you don't feel so left in the air and helpless but, hmmm.

It's crude and jarring - but it's well acted. And there is some cool animation in it.


Probably my favourite of the lot. Very very weird and surreal - and hard to follow if you don't stay with it, because in each section the main character, Aviva, is played by a drastically different actress.

Basically, Aviva just wants to have a baby and will stop at nothing to get pregnant, with sad consequences.

Plus Todd Solondz directed it and I'm a long-term fan of his work.

See it, it's cool. But weird.


Monogram Queen said...

I can't watch something that's hard to follow. I want to be entertained - not think LOL Glad you enjoyed them!

Beanie said...

Palindromes is AWESOME! I saw it at the London Film Fest about 2 years ago and met Todd fact I commented on the fact that he was wearing cool trainers...we had a moment.

wondy woman said...

You are so lucky, he's one of my heroes! I am green (GREEN I tells ya) with envy!

Methinks we have very similar taste in flick, which is cool.