Saturday, May 21

I have decided to make a New Year's resolution, in the middle of May and nowhere near the beginning of the new year... I am going to get into photography. I am going to take pictures of absolutely everything, friends, my workplace, random people on the bus - there are so many cool or beautiful things in life that we should celebrate, I am going to do just that!

Unfortunately, my wonderful camera phone was dropped down the loo this morning *shudder* - so I will temporarily be using the webcam, which isn't digital - so quality might not be perfect to start off.

Oooh this feels like a new project I am going to enjoy!!


Schotzy said...

If you are passionate about doing it, go for it, you never know who you might be able to blackmail in the future *LOL* ........S

Memphis said...

I've been photographing everything, or trying to, ever since I got a tiny little Philips 128 meg memory stick camera. I think I may have killed it today though, mountain biking with it an tearing it up pretty good. Superglue doesn't seem to be working. But I got my photos, the ones that it actually took. Actually I hate this camera, but I do have lots of photos.